
My name is Peter. I’m English, aged 73 (in 2020). I live in southern Germany with my family. My mother dabbled in writing. My father was a musical Houdini. I write short pieces to figure out my life. For most of it I could not express what I felt. I was blocked as a musician, and, when I tried to write I didn’t get very far.

For the last six years I have been unwell. I’m in the winter of my life, not quite sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything, but on the way. There were not, I realised, many bites left at the cherry. I turned to writing again...

Most of these pieces are about the twists and turns in my life. One interpretation of Ulysses’ name is “Trouble”. On my journey I was trouble and I didn’t know why. My life is not important or significant, except to me, my family, friends and those unable to forgive my stupidities. I wanted to understand myself better, perhaps to forgive myself. Putting things down in black and white has helped me understand how I became who I became.

I shake my head at the mistakes that still crop up. I know the pieces too well in my head to be able to correct them on the page. Please, point them out. On the other hand, I’ve given up on perfection. Sometimes fiddling around and polishing things up to a mirror finish only takes away from the original spontaneity. If you write, and you think your style would interest me, then send me a link.

I hold the copywrite for the writings on this website. You are welcome to share these pieces with friends, but if parts were to be used in professional or other contexts, then I would appreciate acknowledgement as the author, along with a link to this site.

Occasionally I slip in a phrase by an outstanding author without credit. Why waste time trying to improve that which I have no chance of improving?

Thank you, Simon, friend, and boss at MEDIADUDES for launching this website.

Welcome to “No Time to Rush” at notimetorush.online

Happy reading,

Peter Johnstone

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